Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Misogynistic one-trick ponies and the right to have silence

I went to make tea for my Beloved this morning before I left for work and John Waters came on the radio to discuss the morning's papers. I had just read an article comparing this radio station's morning coverage of the papers with others. They talked of the gravitas of Newstalk's survey of how the papers were covering stories. I thought to myself 'is that fecker ever off the TV/radio? And he only ever has one thing to bang on about. Fathers and child custody. You'd think he didn't have custody of his own child. You'd think that his persistent pursuit of victimhood was backed up by something other than being a rich columnist (think Julie Burchill) with reactionary views (sexist in his case, racist in hers) whose voice was never off the media.' I came back with the tea and sure enough his review of the papers was about child custody. Now I normally leave work just when the paper review comes on (I live near work but I start early), but he appears to be there about a third of the time. Is taking his views seriously really to be considered as gravitas? He is a lonely buffoon.

Please make him and his atavistic colleagues seeking victim status (you know the ones, those that hide their misogyny under a cloak of 'saying what others dare not') shut up and allow us silence from their tedious, bland, formulaic, reactionary drivel.

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