Thursday, March 03, 2005

Media Whoredom

I became a media whore yesterday evening. Somebody in work mentioned me to the researcher on a radio show that he was on as someone who might talk about blogs if I was rung. So they did and I talked on 2FM (a national radio station) with Dave Fanning and Karlin Lillington, a journalist and blogger who knows far more about blogs than I do, for a few minutes and felt like a phony. That said, I do stand by everything I said but I don't think a life as a rent-a-quote is for me.

On the way in this morning I listened to a compilation CD somebody made for me called 'The creative genius of William Shatner' and it ruled. This is stuff from The Transformed Man, his legendary performance of Rocket Man at the Science Fiction Awards in 1978, his priceline ads, and some stuff I'd never heard before, including collaborations with Ben Folds from a few years ago. They worked together again on his recent album Has Been. If you get a chance have a listen: there are moments of genius on it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I heard you on the radio. Thought you did okay actually. Good point about the risk of Google domination etc.

Anonymous said...

I heard you on the radio too. You had some really interesting points. I like that restaurant Jaipur too. I go quite a bit. Maybe we've been sitting next to each other!

fourthirtythree said...

Thanks for the comments. If I knew I was going to be on the radio I would have made the Google article a bit shorter and more coherent.
Or I would have tried to.

If you were in Jaipur last night I was there!