Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Well the Eurovision is more democratic than the European Union...

Originally uploaded by fourthirtythree.
So I was watching the Eurovision voting on Saturday before going out to meet DarkTeen in a small local pub where people SMOKE CIGARETTES! Not loads of them, the place isn't thick with smoke or anything, and not until after closing time, but they do smoke. And I was hugely enjoying it, things like the sustained bout of booing, it felt like a full minute, when Belarus gave full marks to Russia. It makes you reflect on how Ireland kept winning Eurovisions in the past - bland inoffensiveness - we didn't invade anyone so could not expect to be blackballed by counties with a grudge. I was thinking about Rem Koolhaas's Content, which is well worth the 10 yoyos of your money, it's half way between a magazine and a book. He has these maps of Europe with the EU, Council of Europe, EFTA, Eurovision, and EUEFA marked on it. Which I find funny - the idea of Europe is quite funny; it used to be Christendom, quite recently it was Western bourgeois Europe, and now? Well Rem suggested a new logo for the Euro. This is where I went looking for it on the web and left the post. So, excuse the delay, and well done to... whoever it was that won the Yoyovision.

Reminds me of going to a gay club the night the Israeli transexual won the Eurovision. It was like the gay nation had won the world cup. I was hoping Israel would win on Saturday - it would piss off so many people. So many of the right people. Telling them we love them when they're busy using US money to blow up everything European taxpayers built over there to try and bring a small bit of peace. Beautiful. Well actually it's all blown up already. Utterly destroyed. Such marvellous contempt!

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