Monday, September 19, 2005

Garrhh! That be spelt wrong!

Avast! I'll whip me with the cat'o'nine tails for a scurvy dog. It's International Talk Pirate Day and I wrote like a landlubber. The recipe is -

1 Cup o' weavils
2 squeezes of tar from a wet ponytail
1 pound of sawdust
The whole grog ration for the next month

Mix the first three together with some stale water. Boil up on the deck. Eat. Vomit. Mutiny. Steal the whole of the grog ration. Drink.

Land ho!

Whore for a month solid 'till the press gang, curse 'em, take you from your buxom molly.

Repeat after a month at sea. Smartly does it.


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