Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More web 2.0ness

I made a post the other day being enthusiastic for some kind of web 2.0 application- to be deluged with the response that it did exist. So now I'm trying to be officially enthusiastic for web 2 so on my sidebar where what should be my blogroll resides you might notice - if you haven't been here in a while - that there is a technorati link and a new social networking aggregation link. This is provided by elgg.


Anonymous said...

We have elgg here in Brighton, I believe you can even see some of it from outside: try this http://community.brighton.ac.uk/home.php
It seems to work fairly nicely,but is still under massive development.
Which I quite like.

By the way your rss feeds have become all scrambled since last week, i think you've confused blogger by posting too much.....

fourthirtythree said...

I suspect it might be because google are trying to implement tags (quite late in the game). I'd turn it off for a week or two. Sorry if I spammed you.

Paris David said...

Hey fourthirtythree in Dublin -

Glad to have found you. Thanks for making me your Explode! friend over here in the States.

Happy Thursday -- or whatever day it is over there in Emerald City...
