Wednesday, April 04, 2007

La Folie

Just after buying (on, thank fuck there isn't an so we get to buy stuff at the cheap prices in France) an album by Benjamin Biolay and Chiara Mastroianni (no idea if she's related to the famous one) along with the box set of series one of Doctor Who for less in yo-yos than the price in English pounds of the box set from Anyway, why would I buy such fey French acoustic pop? Have I no patriotism and cannot I get my fey whimsy from an Irish source? Well it's like this: on our honeymoon in Mexico we occasionally stayed in actual hotels, you know the things with plumbing in the rooms and TVs and it was rare there or anywhere that the music channels were not playing Shakira. You remember that Shakira video where she is being voyeured by the neighbour and she greases up in engine oil, pulls here trousers down so her hipbones are sticking out, lies down with her shoulders and feet on the ground and hips in the air, jiggling her scrawny butt across the floor humping nothing furiously, looking like she's going through sexual ecstasy and yodelling like a transgender Bulgarian weightlifter auditioning for "the Sound of Music: the muscle mary version"? Well that one pissed me off mightily because, well hearing her "it's a pity my breasts are small so you won't mistake them for a mountain/ it's lucky my ass is big. a like a my mama's" yodelling makes me cringe every time. I mean, if you're going to do porn Shakira just do fucking porn so I won't have to hear and see you when I go for coffee. Anyway, this video was such an antidote to Shiteera.

And if that was far too wimpy for you try this: the resemblance to a Serge duet is uncanny, with subtracted loucheness though. Je suis folle d'elle.


dex said...

your logging is so good you should treat yourself to a new plaid shirt:)

fourthirtythree said...

It's a pity that I'm a lumberjack
Just a like a my mama
But my axe is a small
so you won't mistake us
Yoy yoy yoyoy yoy yoy
Yoy yoy yoyoy yoy yoy
Yoy yoy yoyoy yoy yoy...

dex said...

I cut down trees, I wear high heels
Suspendies and a bra
I wish I'd been a girlie
Just like my dear papa
He cuts down trees...
He's a lumberjack...

dex said...

btw, i like your twitter box. might copy ya although me thinks i better be getting rid of some of the gimmicks in situ (else will surely stop loading altogether, in which case i'd have to put up with the kind of grief outpourings normally associated with a di dying or investlife splitting up or something).

ps: forza polizia di roma. eh, no, actually

fourthirtythree said...

Didn't get to see that. Sounds really shite. Twitter is the twatter and twaddle of the interweb at the moment. But we're using blog comments as IM. How post bebo is that?