You know those times when you just have to put Barry Adamson on repeat? I must load some more on to iRob. You get asked, often enough that you'd comment on it, why isn't Barry Adamson huge? Why aren't they queuing up to have him write their soundtracks? Barry Adamson is an ex member of magazine (funky basslines, Sly and the Family Stone covers) and the Bad Seeds (they did dark) who went on to do solo electronic crime jazz. These were soundtracks to imaginary noir films. Just like everybody else from Portishead on you might think, but this was 1988. And Barry Adamson put out Moss Side Story. I first got some of his stuff with The negro inside me in about '94 or so - more for its cool cover version of Serge's je t'aime than anything else. I'd recommend Oedipus Schmoedipus and As above so below which should be easy to get.
That's it. I was too full of words yesterday after a long absence due to idiocy, insomnia, lethargy, deafness, and a strong urge not to ridicule incessantly.
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